Friday, March 26, 2010

One day without shoes

Visit TOMS Shoes to learn about One Day Without Shoes: an event to raise awareness for the TOMS cause, and the health risks millions suffer because of a lack of a basic commodity we take for granted every day. Providing shoes to people in need is a small step, but it's significant. And when you buy a pair of shoes from TOMS, you're also giving a pair to a child in need.
"Imagine a life without shoes; constantly aware of the ground in front of you, suffering regular cuts and scrapes, tending to infection after each walk, and enduring not only terrain, but heat and cold...

One Day Without Shoes is the day we spread awareness about the impact a simple pair of shoes can have on a child’s life. On April 8th, we ask people to go the day, part of the day or even just a few minutes, barefoot, to experience a life without shoes first-hand, and inspire others at the same time."

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