Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bad film, good laugh

"My friend, can your heart stand the shocking facts of grave robbers from outer space?"

Check out this film from the 1950s, possibly the worst ever made. Also insanely funny.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rethink: Sunday

Make a direct and tangible difference in the lives of entrepreneurs in the developing world by microlending through Kiva. This organization allows you to loan to a restauranteur in Rwanda, a furniture maker in Mongolia, a farmer in Uganda, or any of the thousands of participating entrepreneurs in the organization.

Kiva - loans that change lives

Rethink your approach to tackling poverty, and change someone's life today.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Rethink: Friday

Fill your day with a little more intelligent content. Here are two easy ways to start:

Instead of usual gaming sites, try out some quizzes at Sporcle. Geography and history quizzes are a great place to start.

Instead of videos of cute cats on youtube, explore the content at TED, where influential thinkers from all over the world share their ideas and inventions. Talks by Hans Rosling, Malcolm Gladwell, and Pranav Mistry are worth checking out.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Inform: Friday

I challenge you to research the crisis in Burma. Over the past ten years, the military regime in that country has systematically wiped out over 3000 villages, inhabited by minority ethnic groups, in an act of brutal genocide. Hundreds of thousands are displaced within the country, and over a million have fled Burma altogether. This country has the worst child soldier problem in the world, with an estimated 20% of the army comprised of children. The country has been described as a cross between the harsh government control of North Korea and the disastrous humanitarian situation in Sudan. Massive numbers of people have been killed, detained, raped, forced into slave labor for the military, have stepped on landmines planted in by the military, or have had their houses and villages burned down. This crisis is too serious to be ignored.

For more information, check out